animal removal wildlife

Rodent Problem? How to choose the right Animal Control Company?

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Have you ever imagined a world of tiny creatures living behind your walls, above your ceiling or beneath your floor? Though it may seem like a scene from a fairy tale where wildlife animals and humans coexist in peace; it is quite the opposite in reality. These rodents are like fire in the forest – once they infest your house, they make it their home and take over. Before you know it, these rodents can eat up your entire house! Literally!

So, the moment you suspect a rodent problem in the house, you better call in animal removal experts immediately. But before you pick up the phone and call anyone that offers this service, you may want to consider choosing the right professional to do the job. A rodent removal job comes at a cost but, what’s more at stake is your family’s health that you wouldn’t want to compromise at any cost.

Here is a simple guide that will put you in the right direction and help you get rid of rodents once and for all.

When to cry for help?

People tend to ignore there is a  problem especially if you just see one rodent.  However, these rodents are known to carry diseases and they can multiply in numbers very quickly. A mouse is known to multiply 50 to 60 times in a year.  This is a good enough reason not to wait for the issue to get out of hand.

What is to be done?

Before calling in the animal removal wildlife experts, you should know what is expected in a rodent removal process. How do they get rid of these invasive critters? Experts have a variety of tools and techniques that come in handy to make the job a bit easier which otherwise could be a massive task for the average homeowner. These experts chart out a plan that involves thorough inspection of your house, identifying the entry points for setting up one-way doors and closing or clearing the entry points for future safety. They will ensure your home is rid of each and every single rodent.

What to look for when choosing a professional Wildlife Control Company?

Before you grab your phone and call for help, you need to do some research of your own. You need to figure out the best exterminator in your area but, how?

Step 1 –  Use the most powerful tool at hand – the Internet. You will find many animal removal websites out there and it’s important to read through testimonials and customer reviews. It is also a good sign when the company has been in business a long time and have a high rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Step 2 – Conduct your own interview. This is your home and you want the best job done but, since you are not in the same trade you rely on the animal removal expert to do the job for you. Ask them about the methods they use and the number of visits it might take them to finish the job. You may also be interested in knowing the prevention plan, and if there is any guarantee on service.

Step 3 –  Ask for an estimate and be sure to contact 3 or more Exterminators before finalizing the quote that fits your budget. It is important to not immediately go with the cheapest as that does not always mean you will get the best quality.

If you are in this situation right now let Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control help you out! Their exceptional service and company history proves that they will get the job done for you.

Wildlife and Animal Removal: When Even Sports Facilities Needs it

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“Certain forms of wildlife could be quite scary when encountered face-to-face. The Los Angeles Dodgers reported to the Los Angeles Times that several skunks and a raccoon were found scurrying across parts of Dodger Stadium in the past two months; the place had at least seven reported skunk invasions. Some kiosk operators in the concourse have complained that the animals left their trademark stench for a long time after they were successfully removed.

Pepe Le Pew or Canada’s The Raccoons are every bit loveable, but their real-life counterparts are potential catalysts for driving away business and frightening homeowners. The fact that some of these furry animals may be infected with diseases like rabies drives home the case for needing to safely take all of them out of the picture. Experts at wildlife and animal removal outfits such as the crew at Skedaddle Wildlife are what you need to make it happen. “

Fight Against Animal Cruelty: How An Animal Removal Wildlife Expert Can Help

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“Sam Pazzano of Toronto Sun reported that a Toronto resident, Dong Nguyen, was seen by his neighbor attacking a family of raccoons in his backyard and he injured one of the creatures with his shovel, June 1, 2011. Nguyen was charged with cruelty to animals and was given by the Ontario Court of Justice an order to render community service. He was also ordered to pay an amount of $1,365 for the veterinary expenses of the injured raccoon.

Raccoons may be considered nuisance to homeowners, but there is a right way to keep them away from home by calling an animal removal wildlife expert like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control.
David Suzuki called Toronto as “raccoon capital of the world” because of the increasing population of the creatures in the area. Residents of Toronto should be fully aware of these creatures and the proper and humane way of removing them, so they can avoid animal cruelty charges.”

It’s the Season for Wildlife Animal Removal Services: Summer Wildlife Surge

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“This season spells problems for residents who have had encounters with wildlife infiltrating their property, as the summer marks a growth in wildlife animal population such as raccoons, squirrels, owls, and the like. While this is normally not a problem, it can be if these critters are located near populated areas, as they will forage in all possible areas near their area, be it a garden or an uncovered trash can.

Of course, there are simple ways to keep such scenarios from happening. Securing the perimeter of your property, as well as sealing any cracks or holes in your home’s foundation can discourage wildlife from taking residence or attempting to forage in your area. But for those who have animals already settled in, it might be dangerous to remove them yourself. Best call a trusted wildlife animal removal company like Skedaddle Wildlife. These experts will extract any unwanted birds, bats, and critters, and then later on release them into their natural habitats in the wild.”

A More Humane Approach to Control Waterfowl Population for Highly-Populated Areas

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“A group of students in the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom have recently experienced a real life “Angry Birds,” or in their case a furious Canada goose. From a report by Daily Mail, the goose nested in a nearby block of student flats and pounced on every passerby she considered a threat to her nestlings. While the incident might have happened in UK, it might as well have taken place in the animal’s native country of Canada.
Canada goose population have increased rapidly in the past few years, especially in the Greater Toronto Area. To contain the population, some people dip the eggs in kerosene to euthanize embryos. Animal control services such as Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control have taken more human approaches. For a more thorough and reliable job of containing waterfowl birds, such as Canadian goose, it’s better to hire professional animal control services. “